6 Nov 2013
Play @ The Roof
Club Asahi series iz bizack !!!! Diz time we party at PJ’s latest and hottest entertainment hubs, Play @ The Roof….Moscow waz da theme fo’ diz time and dey brought in Swanky Tunes, EDM trio from Russia (Vadim Shpak Dmitry Burykin Stanislav Zaytsev) …voted Russia “Best Musical Group” 2 year in a row !!! Letz gooooo !!!!
Asahi Super Dry, Japan’s No.1 premium beer around the world has put together this platform for electronic dance music enthusiasts to enjoy a night that ignites endless possibilities. The Club Asahi concept was meant to bring unique themes and enigmatic experiences from the most dynamic and exciting metropolises around the world right into the heart of some of Malaysia’s hottest clubbing venues….
party on ! 🙂
GGGYEAH !!!!!!!