12 April 2014
Later, continued by TKB’s, a head-banging heavy, appear convincingly dark, affect depressively, trigger energetic emotions, sound awfully angsty-ROCK band from Singapore…
the show continue by another band from Singapore.. 天地會 Tian Di Hui, they are the pioneer underground rock band from Singapore. Formed in 1992, the band’s impressive technical skills and their passion for rock music have made them a much respected and influential band in the local music scene.
Alienoid is the champion of “Guinness Canto Rock”, Malaysia’s first ever nationwide Chinese band competition jointly organized by Guinness Malaysia and Polygram Records in 1994. The band are signed to Polygram Records after winning the competition.
Finally, the main headliner, LMF 大懶堂, need no further introduction, LMF is undoubtedly the most popular Cantonese rap rock band in the Chinese music scene. Their songs are very controversial because of their influence on Hong Kong youth and hip-hop culture and attitude. LMF offers Hong Kong an alternative to Canto pop. LMF remains one of the few, if not the only, well-known localized rap groups. LMF highlights the economic oppression and social alienation faced by the lower class of Hong Kong, all coming from Hong Kong’s overcrowded public housing estates.
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